How to get verified on Instagram

How to get verified on Instagram

Instagram allows you to verify profiles. You’ve probably noticed that some large profiles have a blue badge next to their name. This means that the account has been verified by Instagram. what does it mean? What does verification give you? How can you verify your account? Read our article.

Why is it worth verifying?

We all know that Instagram is one of the basic communication channels for many people, brands or businesses. Huge brands use this tool to connect with their clients: advertise their offers, display advertising, or carry out other marketing activities. When big money is involved, the question of security also arises. In the online world it is very easy to impersonate or make a dishonest business look very credible. For this reason, the developers of Instagram decided to introduce the option of account verification.

In addition, verification will allow you to add links to your stories. Accounts that have reached 10,000 followers also have this feature, but in some cases verification may be simpler than getting a fanbase large enough. When searching for words related to our account, we will display higher than unverified profiles. Anyone who has ever run a business on the internet knows how profitable a high position in the search engine can be.

As you can easily see, being verified on Instagram are just advantages for a brand or a celebrity.

Instagram verification

Who can be verified?

Currently, only Instagram accounts that are likely to impersonate receive markings confirming verification. It’s mainly about politicians, celebrities or brands.

How to become verified?

If you want to do this, you should do the following:

Make sure you are logged in to the account you want to submit for account verification

Go to your profile and click on the menu

Press Settings and then Request Verification

Provide your name and photo ID

Wait for a message

After excluding the option associated with obtaining a badge (if you have not met the requirements), we are left to connect your profile with Facebook or Twitter to increase the authenticity of your account. In case of refusal, it is possible to resubmit the application in 30 days. The answer will appear in our notifications when the moderators become familiar with our application.

What else do you need to remember about?

First of all, Instagram does not want you to advertise the possession of a badge in any way. Secondly, you cannot use your profile picture, bio or account name to promote services other than those for which the badge has been “registered”. Violation of any of these rules may result in the loss of verification and even the deactivation of your account. Please make sure your profile is completed before requesting verification. This means that the profile should be public, have a profile picture, description and at least one publication. Remember that your profile should not have links to your profiles on other social media.

We hope that our guide comes in handy for you and you’ll get verified on Instagram without any hassle!