Why work with JoyCorporate Academy to learn how to improve your mood and reduce stress

Why work with JoyCorporate Academy to learn how to improve your mood and reduce stress

More than 50% of employees admit to being anxious at work while 24% are in a situation of hyperstress. And the causes are numerous: conflicts with the hierarchy or colleagues, working time, pressure and harassment, private issues, etc.

For the manager of a company, the stress of the employees comes at a significant cost, in particular because of an increasing absenteeism rate or because of a lack of productivity or professional errors. JoyCorporate Academy is providing for you and your employees courses based on mental wellbeing and ways to build a positive mindset. For your personal health, and for your financial health if you are a leader, it is important to take the right actions to reduce stress at work.

1. Start the day on the right foot

Many employees arrive at work already stressed out, and this may be your case: after you have eaten your breakfast in a hurry, taken your kids to school and spent long minutes in traffic jams, you will have a stressful morning.

So start by taking the time to eat healthy breakfast and opt for a positive attitude. During your outward journey, but also on your return journey, listen to music. You will arrive more relaxed.

2. Stay organized

Good organization can significantly reduce your stress and increase your productivity. At the end of each working day, make a to-do list of the tasks you will have to perform the next day. Be reasonable, however. The goal is to finish your to-do list. If you put in too many tasks or set deadlines too short, stress will always be present.

3. Avoid multitasking

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking doesn’t allow you to maximize your time and get more done in a day. Looking into a client’s file but responding to emails at the same time is counterproductive and creates unnecessary stress. Instead, try to fragment your working time. For example, set aside a time slot in the morning and early afternoon to process your emails, then devote another period to processing certain files, etc.

By staying focused on one and the same task, you will be much more efficient. In fact, don’t hesitate to turn off your email or social media notifications.

4. Improve communication

The lack of clarity about the expected requirements and objectives is undeniably stressful. While an employee does not know if what they are doing is enough, the employer will tend to give negative feedback.

Communication is therefore essential to clarify expectations and strategies to meet them. You can use specific tools to improve communication within a team. JoyCorporate Academy has build a succesful course about improving communications skills, wich is highly reccomended to your employees.

5. Take breaks

Breaks are allowed and even mandatory, so take advantage of them. In the middle of the morning and afternoon, go out for tea or coffee with other colleagues and try to talk about something other than work. During your lunch break, nothing better than a short walk to clear your head, think about other things and relax.

6. Have a comfortable working environment

You may not realize it, but physical discomfort is another stressor. It could be an armchair you are sitting on badly, bad lighting, noise, etc.

As an employer, do whatever is necessary to provide a calm and comfortable work environment. If you are an employee, make sure your desk is clean, adjust the height of your seat, the brightness of your computer screen, the telephone ringtone, etc. You can follow a course at JoyCorporate Academy to improve your mental being and increase productivity at work.